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  • kknuth 1:19 am on October 31, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    A future project….. 

    In my very first post I mentioned that I would eventually tell you about my first guitar.

    Browsing on Ebay one day I came across a brand new guitar for $30!  I bought it.  Yes, I knew it was cheap. My thought was I could noodle around with it a bit, and if I really sparked an interest, I could buy a better one later.

    The guitar is a “BAJA”.  Made in China from basswood.  Basswood is really a form of particle board.  It is then covered with a vinyl material to “look” like wood.  Here is a picture of  it:

    I think I want to trash the basswood body and build a cigar box body instead.  I will re-use all the other components- neck, pickups, bridge. 

    Here is someone who did the same thing with a BAJA guitar.  I don’t like the color of his final project, but as long as I don’t modify the neck, I could always put it back together.  I am only risking $30 and some time!  Here is what his version looks like:

  • kknuth 5:04 pm on October 30, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Ready for testing! 

    For now, I am done.  Going to play with this thing and make minor changes along the way.  I need to adjust the nut and bridge (height on both, location on bridge) and I need to figure out how to tune it.

    The tuners are primitive- but a common system for cigar box guitars.

    I will also be making a list of the things I will change next time- and I will share that later!

    Here are some pics.  here is the neck with frets installed.  I actually glued nails, cut to the proper length, into the fretboard.  These nails are finish nails from my airnailer, so they are not round.  Next time I will buy REAL frets- easier to use and sound better too!

    Here is the finished product:

     Now I am going to play it…make changes to it, and have fun with it.

    I will keep you updated!

  • kknuth 4:47 pm on October 30, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Wire it up! 

    I decided to make my Cigar Box Guitar electric!  You can also play it acoustically, but I can plug it into my amp this way too.  It only costs about $6 to make it electric.

    This does not use a traditional Magnetic Pickup like you would find in an electric guitar.  It uses a Piezo Transducer.  These are the things that make your smoke alarm beep!  But if you tear them apart and just get the transducer out- it also can pick up vibrations.

    Here is what I started with, I needed a Piezo and a 1/4″ jack.

     Next up, I had to take the Piezo apart to get to the part I needed.  You can order just the part you need, but I went to my local Radio Shack- they did not stock that part.

    I cut out the circuit board and wired it to my jack:

     Then I mounted it inside by Cigar Box Guitar- for now I just have it taped in place.  I will eventually hot glue it, which gives you a little better sound.  It works by picking up the vibrations the strings make when you play them.

  • kknuth 12:33 pm on October 30, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Day 2- change in plans! 

    As I have explained earlier- this CBG is a prototype, so I can make changes and not feel guilty!

    This morning I put on one string to check the sound.  Sounds pretty good- but I added a sound hole.  Then I decided that instead of going “fretless”, I wanted frets.  I could buy REAL fretwire….but that seems extreme for such an instrument.  I found another solution- I am using wire nails, cut to the proper length.

    Just sprayed on a couple more coats of clear- gotta run to the hardware store and radio shack….more later!

  • kknuth 1:31 am on October 30, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Day 1- things are moving along quickly 

    I am pleased with my progress on Day 1 of my project.  Though, to be fair, this first one is to see how many mistakes I can make- then correct them the next time!

    I bought almost all of the materials I needed today- so my total cost for my first 3 string guitar will be about $12.  Hey, back when they played these things no one had money!

    Here is the box and the neck (both are notched to fit properly)

    Here they are kind of together- just checking the fit of the notches, nothing is glued yet.

    Here is another view:

    Here is the neck-I decided to go fretless on this version- but I cut grooves to give the illusion of frets.

     Next up is gluing the thing together:

     So at the end of day 1, here is where I stand.  I did some light staining and have put on a coat of clear- with a few more to follow:

    Tomorrow I still have to work on the finish, make some type of tuning head, a bridge, a saddle, AND I think I am going to make it electric- not by using a magnetic pickup (like a guitar would) but there is a neat little trick that costs about $5 and lets you plug the thing into an amplifier!

    More later!

  • kknuth 10:13 pm on October 28, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    And away we go……. 

    So this weekend I am going to start my FIRST attempt at building a Cigar Box Guitar! Why? Because I think this sound is very cool!

    • Doug 6:25 pm on October 29, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I’ve always wanted to make my own guitar also. I never thought about using a cigar box. It would make the whole process much simpler. Let me know how learning slide goes for you.

  • kknuth 10:06 pm on October 28, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Guitars are not (quite) as expensive as sports cars 

    It really is not the guitars that set you back- at least in my case.  It is the  accessories.  Like my new amp- which I bought used at Guitar Center for $50 (my old one was stolen- as I mentioned in my first post.
    So I picked up this nice 30w Crate to replace it with.  It has a built in tuner, and about 19 digital effects.  Effects are nice, because they help hide how much I suck at playing the guitar!

    Of course, you also have to buy a bunch of accessories- Capos, strings, winders, picks, etc.

    All in all, less expensive than a sports car, but not cheap either!

  • kknuth 4:39 pm on October 28, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Why I started this blog 

    Why not?  I have a desire to fool around with a 3 string guitar (like they used to play delta blues back in the 30’s and 40’s) and I thought I would share that journey with you.  Here is how I got to where I am in my new hobby:

    In the past year or so I experienced a mid-life crisis.  No, I did not buy a sports car or marry a much younger wife (I love the one I have, thank you very much).  I decided to finally, after saying I would do it for aobut 30 years, learn to play the guitar.

    Here is a picture of the 2nd guitar I bought (I will get to the first guitar later!)

    This is a Peavey “Raptor EXP”.  Not an expensive guitar- I bought it used on Ebay for about $100.

    I also purchased a practice amp for it that set me back about $40 (that amp was recently stolen).    That amp was a 10 Watt Crate.  I bought it used at a pawn shop (great deal!).

    Then came my third guitar (remember, we will discuss the first one later).  This is a guitar I REALLY like.  it is a Alvarez acoustic.

    This guitar plays well and I really like the sound if it.

    Now the real challenge here is that I am NOT a good guitar player.  I think the guitar is one of those instruments that you can learn quickly, but it takes a while to get good at it.

    Another note about guitar playing- A friend of mine told me “no matter how good you are at playing the guitar, there is ALWAYS someone who is better”.  Words to live by!

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