A future project…..

In my very first post I mentioned that I would eventually tell you about my first guitar.

Browsing on Ebay one day I came across a brand new guitar for $30!  I bought it.  Yes, I knew it was cheap. My thought was I could noodle around with it a bit, and if I really sparked an interest, I could buy a better one later.

The guitar is a “BAJA”.  Made in China from basswood.  Basswood is really a form of particle board.  It is then covered with a vinyl material to “look” like wood.  Here is a picture of  it:

I think I want to trash the basswood body and build a cigar box body instead.  I will re-use all the other components- neck, pickups, bridge. 

Here is someone who did the same thing with a BAJA guitar.  I don’t like the color of his final project, but as long as I don’t modify the neck, I could always put it back together.  I am only risking $30 and some time!  Here is what his version looks like: